Writing Portfolio

Pam writes for large and small publications, individuals, websites, blogs and more. She’s most at home in the outdoors, and prefers sleeping bags and tents to high thread-count sheets and fancy hotels. And she’s never afraid to try something new.

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Pam LeBlanc’s work has appeared in local, regional and national publications, and she has won two Barbara Jordan Media Awards for articles about athletes with disabilities. She specializes in writing about adventure, fitness and travel, and the quirky people and activities that make life interesting.

Major Publications

Miles Swum

Miles Backpacked

Life of Adventure

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Blog Updates

For a taste of Argentinian culture, try maté

For a taste of Argentinian culture, try maté

Here in Texas, we drink a lot of sweet tea and Dr Pepper. In Patagonia, the locals drink maté. While traipsing through South America this month, I saw people sipping the infused herbal drink while chatting at cafes, sitting on street benches, and even while driving...

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For a taste of Argentinian culture, try maté

For a taste of Argentinian culture, try maté

Here in Texas, we drink a lot of sweet tea and Dr Pepper. In Patagonia, the locals drink maté. While traipsing through South America this month, I saw people sipping the infused herbal drink while chatting at cafes, sitting on street benches, and even while driving...

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Pam LeBlanc is a remarkable and fearless adventurer. She is not afraid to ‘ride the tiger’. Her writings capture the spirit and essence of her varied exploits...and she demonstrates a deep sense of stewardship for Mother Earth."

- Dan Sholly, former chief ranger of Yellowstone National Park

To read any of Pam’s reports from the field is to be whisked alongside a down-to-earth yet formidable woman with a great adventurous spirit, for the ride of your life. Her storytelling and photographs will have you yearning for the great outdoors, a new journey into yourself…or perhaps a naked run with hundreds of your closest friends!"

Tanya Streeter- Tanya Streeter, record-setting free diver and environmentalist

Pam’s perspective of seeing the world brings out the light in people, places and situations. Not only is she creative, and original, with her lighthearted humor, she always finds a ways to put a smile on your face. I always look forward to seeing her work!"

- Leo Manzano, Olympic silver medalist in the 1500 meter run

I’ve never known someone so willing to jump — sometimes literally — into her work as Pam LeBlanc. She is a writer whose prose can take you places you’ve always wanted to go — or the places you wish you could go, but probably never will."

Debbie Hiott- Debbie Hiott, former executive editor of the Austin American-Statesman and now general manager of KUT and KUTX

Pam LeBlanc is an energetic and inspirational speaker who draws you in with her stories of life and adventure. She is a funny, fearless woman who truly enjoys storytelling. We can’t say enough about Pam LeBlanc."

- Jerreta Hartfield, American Heart Association, Austin