Spider Mountain is suspending operations starting this weekend. Pam LeBlanc photo
Spider Mountain Bike Park in Burnet is suspending operations starting this weekend.
Officials at the chairlift-served mountain bike park say they will continue to follow federal, state and county guidelines and assess a reopening date on a day-by-day basis.
“The COVID-19 crisis compels us to make difficult decisions for the well being not only of our guests and employees but also of Texans as a whole,” said managing partner James Coleman.
Check for update on the park’s website, spidermountain.com. Spider Mountain’s accompanying lodging, Thunderbird Resort, will continue its normal operations.
Read my story about Spider Mountain at https://www.austin360.com/entertainmentlife/20190228/how-chairlift-from-new-mexico-is-changing-things-for-central-texas-mountain-bikers.
The park is located 60 miles northwest of Austin.

A cyclist rides the lift to the top of Spider Mountain on Feb. 9, 2019. Pam LeBlanc photo