
Turn out your lights during spring bird migration

Turn out your lights during spring bird migration

The spring migration is peaking in Texas, and that means it's time to turn off lights at night to protect passing birds. Up to a billion birds die after hitting glass windows each year in the United States, according to the American Bird Conservancy. Some of the...

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Driskill Hotel tours highlight history

Driskill Hotel tours highlight history

The iconic Driskill Hotel is now offering history tours to the public. The guided tours start at 4 p.m. daily and cost $10 for the public. They’re free to overnight guests. Participants gather under the iconic lobby dome and move throughout the 189-room hotel, which...

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About Pam

I’m Pam LeBlanc. Follow my blog to keep up with the best in outdoor travel and adventure. Thanks for visiting my site.

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