Puffed kelp chips, anyone? New snack chips are crunchy, sustainable and weird
Puffed kelp chips, anyone? I’m an avid scuba diver and ocean lover, so when I heard about a new organic chip made with kelp, I wanted to try it. I’m munching on a bag of 12 Tides chili pepper flavor puffed kelp chips right now, and, well, they’re not bad. They're not...
Turkeys, get ready to trot!
I’ve been mixing a little running in with my regular schedule of swimming and biking lately. It’s part of my gear up for next week’s ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot. I do the run every year. I love being part of that moving throng of humans, some dressed as turkeys,...
Ready to ski? Southwest adds nonstop flight to Telluride area
Planning for this year’s ski season just got a little easier, thanks to a new nonstop flight from Austin to Montrose Regional Airport near Telluride on Southwest Airlines. From Montrose, it’s an hour and 15-minute drive to Telluride, or an hour and 45-minute drive to...
Farm to Summit makes dehydrated meals using ‘cosmetically challenged’ veggies
I’m always on the prowl for good dehydrated meals to take on camping and backpacking trips. I’ve long been a fan of Austin-based Packit Gourmet, which makes my hands-down favorite just-add-water dish - Dottie’s Chicken and Dumplings. But during a trip to Telluride for...