
If you love to swim, explore the kettle ponds of Cape Cod

If you love to swim, explore the kettle ponds of Cape Cod

You can keep your chlorine-infused swimming pools and crowded ocean beaches. When in Cape Cod, I head for the kettle ponds, shimmering pools of water formed when huge blocks of ice melted at the end of the last Ice Age, leaving behind depressions that eventually...

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Drop by Athletic Bar for non-alcoholic beer and a workout

Drop by Athletic Bar for non-alcoholic beer and a workout

Last year, when Athletic Brewing Company mailed me a shipment of non-alcoholic beer to sample, I gave most of it away to my non-drinking friends. If I wanted a beer, I thought, I’d go full octane. If I didn’t want one, why try to fake it? Choices have long been...

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About Pam

I’m Pam LeBlanc. Follow my blog to keep up with the best in outdoor travel and adventure. Thanks for visiting my site.

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