
Leap in a spring-fed river at Pedernales Falls State Park

Leap in a spring-fed river at Pedernales Falls State Park

I moved to Texas with my family from Michigan when I was 4 or 5, and when we got here, my dad bought a copy of a book of interesting places to visit around Central Texas. Pretty quickly we stumbled into Pedernales Falls State Park. I can remember many trips to the...

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Ten reasons to skip the car and ride a bike

Ten reasons to skip the car and ride a bike

A little more than a year ago, I retired the Trek 5200 road bike I’d been pedaling back and forth to the Austin American-Statesman for 15 years and bought a gravel bike. Since then, I’ve been riding my new Specialized Diverge (nickname Banana Cream Pie) gravel bike...

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About Pam

I’m Pam LeBlanc. Follow my blog to keep up with the best in outdoor travel and adventure. Thanks for visiting my site.

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