
I went waterskiing on a 45-degree morning

I went waterskiing on a 45-degree morning

Here in Austin, water skiing season lasts all year round for some people. I’m not normally one of those people, but I did want to log a slalom run in November, so even though the thermometer read 45 degrees at daybreak yesterday, Chris and I dropped our boat into the...

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Want to keep the Devils River pristine? Bid in this auction

Want to keep the Devils River pristine? Bid in this auction

I’ve paddled the Devils River in West Texas three times in the past three years, and camped out there at least three other times. During my last canoe trip a few weeks ago, clouds of Monarch butterflies drifted along the river corridor as I paddled through rapids and...

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About Pam

I’m Pam LeBlanc. Follow my blog to keep up with the best in outdoor travel and adventure. Thanks for visiting my site.

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