When I finished the Texas Water Safari with two partners in 2019, I swore I’d never do the 260-mile paddling race again. Yet here I am, girding my loins for the event, a long-distance canoe race that starts at Spring Lake in San Marcos and finishes in Seadrift on the Texas coast.
To prepare for the fun, I’ve been trying to get some butt time in my canoe. Today, James Green took the driver’s seat while we raced the third race in the Town Lake Race Series.
Related: Porcupines, a crunched canoe and big fun on the Devils River

Gena McKinley relaxes after finishing Town Lake Race 3. Pam LeBlanc photo
We finished both first and last in our category, pro aluminum – which only means I’ve raced a canoe before. It’s the same finish position that Deb Richardson and I nabbed a couple of weeks ago, during the second race in the series.
Today’s course started at the boat ramp at Festival Beach, ran up to the Interstate 35 bridge, folded back east along the boardwalk, and turned back again just in front of the island near Longhorn Dam.
We made three loops on the circuit, which gave us a good view of all the other racers. Also, I quit paddling halfway through the race so I could take some pictures before proceeding. (Hey, I was just out there for the training.)
John Baltzell puts on the free race series each year; it’s part of the Texas Canoe and Kayak Racing Association’s lineup of races.

Ian Rolls and Jeff Glock head toward Longhorn Dam during Town Lake Race 2. Pam LeBlanc photo