Athletic Brewing Company has introduced a new coffee-infused brew called Suped Up. Pam LeBlanc photo
Coffee? Beer? Energy drink?
I’m seriously confused over the latest liquid offering from Athletic Brewing Company, which makes an array of non-alcoholic beer and markets it to folks who would rather work out than skip a swim, bike, or run because of a hangover.
Read more: Can a non-alcoholic beer stand up to regular craft brew?
A six-pack of a coffee-infused, extra dark brew called Suped Up arrived on my doorstep this week. The drink, a collaboration with Super Coffee, which makes keto-friendly coffee drinks without added sugar, has 5g of protein. Athletic Brewing Company is pushing it as a pre-workout swig.
Maybe it’s because I’m not a big coffee drinker – I prefer hot tea – but this just seems weird to me. I’d much rather enjoy a cold one after a good hard bike ride than beforehand.
Suped Up is made with water, malted barley, barley rice protein, coffee, oats, wheat, hops, yeast, and coffee flavoring. I know it’s not real beer, but even the thought of beer makes me feel a little bloated, so the idea of drinking it before a run makes me want to burp.
Giving Suped Up a try
Anyway, I cracked into one last night, during my regularly programmed evening neighborhood stroll. I didn’t want a cocktail, which is what I sometimes carry as I walk, and I thought maybe this would hit the spot.
I popped the top. It looked roughly like Diet Coke – fairly dark, not sugary, and with the vague aroma of the coffee maker my husband uses.
It tasted neither like beer, nor coffee, nor soda. I can only describe it as a fizzy and earthly, almost like a strange new twist on kombucha.
Not for me. But congrats, Athletic Brewing Company, I salute your spirit.
Interestingly, you can get a shirt to match the drink. Suped Up comes in a brown and yellow can, and the Athletic Brewing Company website sells a long-sleeved flannel shirt that matches for $60. I’ve already got one of those, but thanks.
Suped up sells for $14.99 here.