Check out photos of the Third Coast Cowboy Epic Kayak trip up the Texas coast

West Hansen and Tim Curry paddle into Mansfield Cut. Pam LeBlanc photo

West Hansen takes a breather after reaching Mansfield Cut on Thursday, May 23. Pam LeBlanc photo

Jimmy Harvey and West Hansen paddle into Mansfield Cut on Thursday, May 21, 2020. Pam LeBlanc photo

The team leaves Mansfield Cut on Friday May 23. Pam LeBlanc photo

Jeff Wueste heats water for dinner while camping at Mansfield Cut on Thursday, May 21. Pam LeBlanc photo

Branndon Bargo relaxes after a rough day on the water. He swallowed water and puked a lot during the day. Pam LeBlanc photo

Jason Jones, who’s been driving with me to chase the team, sleeps on an enormous queen-sized inflatable mattress at Mansfield Cut. Pam LeBlanc photo

The team pulls their boats ashore at Mansfield Cut on Thursday, May 21. Pam LeBlanc photo

Jimmy Harvey wrings water out of a cloth as he wipes down his kayak. Pam LeBlanc photo

West Hansen makes a call from the top of a sand dune at Mansfield Cut. Pam LeBlanc photo

Jason Jones makes friends with Xena the Warrior Princess while camping at Mansfield Cut. Pam LeBlanc photo

Tim Curry paddles toward shore on Thursday, May 21. Pam LeBlanc photo

Jimmy Harvey laughs while cooking dinner at camp. He’s eating my favorite – Packit Gourmet, which is made in Austin. Pam LeBlanc photo

The team – Branndon Bargo, Jeff Wueste, Tim Curry, Jimmy Harvey and West Hansen, at Mansfield Cut. Pam LeBlanc photo

Jimmy Harvey cooks dehydrated chili by Packit Gourmet while camping on night two of the Third Coast Cowboy Epic Kayak journey. Pam LeBlanc photo

West Hansen washes ashore at Mansfield Cut on Thursday, May 21. Pam LeBlanc photo

I found a handful of sanddollars and seashells at Mansfield Cut. Pam LeBlanc photo

Sunrise at Mansfield Cut. Pam LeBlanc photo

A closer look at JJ’s sleeping arrangements. Pam LeBlanc photo[/caption
[caption width="1600" id="attachment_1513" align="alignnone"] West Hansen moves closer after Jeff Wueste flipped his kayak in rough seas. Pam LeBlanc photo