ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot set for Thanksgiving Day
Pam LeBlanc nears the finish of the 2019 ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot. Chris LeBlanc photo[/caption]
Turkeys, prepare to trot!
This year’s Thundercloud Subs Turkey Trot goes live again, with both a virtual and an in-person race on Thursday, Nov. 25. Specific details and safety protocols approved by Austin Public Health will be announced as the date gets closer. Register and find more information at thundercloud.com.
Participants can choose from a 5-mile timed or non-timed run, a 1-mile walk or a Kids K. The Stepping Stone School Kids K begins at 8:45 a.m., followed by the timed 5-mile at 9:30 a.m., the untimed run at 9:35 a.m., and the 1-mile walk/run at 9:50 a.m. Registration ranges from $12 for the Kids K to $32 for the timed 5-mile run. Prices increase after Nov. 14. Registrants get either a long-sleeved T-shirt or a $10 gift card to ThunderCloud Subs, a Trot headband and wristbands, or a bandana.
I run the race every year. Last year, that meant trotting around the Allandale neighborhood with my husband and two friends for the virtual event.
Andrew Lochbaum, Pam Finney, Pam LeBlanc and Chris LeBlanc at the start of their 2020 virtual Turkey Trot. Chris LeBlanc self timer photo[/caption]
Organizers say because the 2020 Trot went so well, they’ll keep a virtual component this year and beyond. Virtual participants can run or walk wherever they want on Thanksgiving Day.
Turkey Trot benefits Caritas of Austin
All proceeds of the event go to Caritas of Austin, which has received $4.4 million dollars from the Trot since it began in 1991.
“Caritas of Austin needs our support more than ever, to continue helping thousands of people to get off the streets, realize their full potential, and contribute to our community,” says Mike Haggerty, co-owner of ThunderCloud and executive director of the Trot.
Caritas broke ground on its first ever residential center this year, Espero Rutland, which will have 171 studio apartments and supportive services.
A turkey leads off the start of the 2019 ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot. Chris LeBlanc photo[/caption]
Socially distanced packet pickup will be offered on multiple dates at First Texas Honda, or packets can be shipped for an extra charge. The dealership will also donate a new Honda Accord for the Trot raffle ($25 per ticket or five tickets for $100. Tickets can be purchased online or at packet pickup between now and Thanksgiving Day.