Take Three for the Sea the next time you’re at the beach

Take Three for the Sea the next time you’re at the beach

I picked up trash when I walked down the beach in Galveston this week. Pam LeBlanc photo

Check out this photo: Two things I hate, and which I found in abundance during a morning stroll on the beach at Galveston Island this week.

Whoever dropped the straw didn’t even use it. It was still tucked inside its paper wrapper when I found it in the sand. And that plastic water bottle? I can think of only a very few instances that a reusable water bottle wouldn’t work just as well, or better.

I was staying at the DoubleTree (yay warm chocolate chip cookies!) on Seawall Boulevard and got up early to walk across the street enjoy the sunrise, which was lovely. I’d also just listened to an NPR report about recycling.

According to the network’s “Plastic Tide” series, the average American generates more than 250 pounds of plastic waste each year. Most of it isn’t recycled.

According to the organizers of the Take Three for the Sea movement (www.take3.org), only 9 percent of the 8.3 billion tons of plastic that has been made since the 1950s has been recycled, and an estimated 8 million tons of it washes into our oceans each year.

That spurred me to a tiny action.

Since I’m compulsive, I picked up a plastic bag (found on the beach) and filled it with trash that I found during my walk. Galveston Beach is pretty. I want it to stay that way. I hope you do too.




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I’m Pam LeBlanc. Follow my blog to keep up with the best in outdoor travel and adventure. Thanks for visiting my site.

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Use this and skip the plastic utensils

Use this and skip the plastic utensils

My sister gave me this kit of reusable bamboo cutlery for Christmas so I can skip the disposable plastic knife, fork and spoon. Pam LeBlanc photo

I’ve been trying to reduce plastic in my life lately, and one of my sisters gave me a Christmas gift that will make that easier to do.

I’m going to keep this set of bamboo cutlery in my bike bag (or car, if I’m driving), so when I go to a coffee shop or restaurant, I don’t need to use disposable plastic utensils. My kit includes a knife, fork and spoon, plus chopsticks and a metal straw with a tiny brush to clean it.

A quick online search turns up dozens of similar options on Etsy that range between $12 and $25. Or just take a set of your regular home utensils and keep them handy when you go out.

It’s one of several small steps I’m taking in 2020 to reduce my environmental impact. I know I’ve got a long way to go, especially since I travel a lot and airline flights expand my personal carbon footprint immensely.

But by conserving water (do the laundry only when you’ve got a full load, keep lawn watering to a minimum, take speedy showers), asking shop clerks to skip the plastic bag, taking reusable bags to the grocery store, recycling trash, drinking water from the faucet instead of using bottled water, composting food scraps, riding my bike when I can, and using my things until they’re worn out or broken, I think I can make a tiny difference.

If you pitch in too, we can collectively reduce our impact on the planet.

Do it in easy ways. Do you really need a plastic bag to hold your produce when you grocery shop? Can you skip the sack when you buy a book? Can you wait a week between laundry loads? Can you fill a bottle with tap water instead of grabbing a single-use plastic bottle? Why not hop on your bike for that trip to the coffee shop?

I know not everyone can do all these things, but each of us can find little ways to change our behavior. Encourage others to do the same. You might not even notice you’re missing anything. And some things – like riding a bike or walking to do errands – come with the added benefit of providing a little exercise.

What are you doing to make a difference in 2020?


About Pam

I’m Pam LeBlanc. Follow my blog to keep up with the best in outdoor travel and adventure. Thanks for visiting my site.

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