An Allandale scavenger hunt: Aliens, ducks, a giant spider and more!
I’ve lived in the Allandale neighborhood for more than 20 years, but until the past few months had no idea we were home to an alien landing site.
Sure, I knew about the Spider Tree, but had never quite noticed the stump full of little ducks. It turns out that we’re home to all kinds of quirky and interesting distractions, from an orange-and-white cat that serves as mayor of one street to a bicycle that supports a mailbox on another.
Here’s a scavenger hunt to help you discover some new treasures in our neighborhood during the city’s shelter-in-place order. They’re all located in an area bordered by Loop 1 MoPac to the west, Burnet Road to the east, Foster Lane to the north, and Koenig Lane to the south.
Stuck? Email pamleblancadventures@gmail.com for the locations of anyplace you can’t find.

1. Bob the Cat is the mayor of his street in Allandale. He’s even got his own sign!

2. Aliens have invaded this site in Allandale, and if you ask nicely, they’ll take you home with them.

A closeup of the aliens, which appear friendly but a little worn from their travels.

3. This bicycle was repurposed as a mailbox support. And if you look closely, you’ll notice a tiny duck sitting on the top.

4. The giant Spider Tree wears different decorations for different holidays.

5. A flock of little ducks makes its home on a big stump.

6. Everyone is welcome to sit a while on this colorful bench. Pam LeBlanc photo

7. A wooden bike and pedestrian bridge makes it easy to get around our neighborhood.

8. Huge mutant butterflies have landed on the side of a house in our neighborhood.

9. This old cemetery in Allandale dates back to at least 1851.